Color of the season
Seasonal Blooms and Foliage!
Annual plants are beautiful, low-maintenance flowering plants that can be used in spring or summer flower beds, or in colorful containers around your patio or porch. Annual flowers are also great for homeowners who want to add seasonal color to their living spaces without the work of caring for perennial plants.
Buy One, Get One Free!
Move over mums, there’s a new seasonal flower in the nursery! Cyclamens are a great annual flower for the cooler season, they come in an array of pinks, purples, reds and white. We carry both standards and mini-Cyclamen which will grow more compact, produce smaller blooms and leaves.
Enjoy in a container or in-ground, be sure to not plant to deeply and water regularly. Leaves and stems tend to droop when thirsty. Plant in a rich but well-draining soil.
At the end of their season, you can also save the bulbs, keep in a dry cool place and replant them next fall/winter!
Watch our video on ‘Cyclamen Care’ here.
Edible Flowers
Add a Pop of Color to Fall Dishes!
Fall veggies aren’t the only thing in the garden you can eat! Did you know that some of your favorite seasonal blooms are in fact edible?
Edible blooms include Nasturtium, Violas, Stock, Calendula and Alyssum! Adorn your fall dishes and pastries with these colorful blooms.