Color of the season
Seasonal Blooms and Foliage!
Annual plants are beautiful, low-maintenance flowering plants that can be used in spring or summer flower beds, or in colorful containers around your patio or porch. Annual flowers are also great for homeowners who want to add seasonal color to their living spaces without the work of caring for perennial plants.
With temperatures beginning to warm, it’s time to say goodbye to cool weather annuals like violas and calendula and swap them out with warm weather favorites!
Stop by annuals to shop new arrivals including zinnias, lisianthus, cosmos, angelonia, marigolds and more! Give your flowerbeds and containers a colorful spring refresh.
An Abundance of Color!
Looking for something showy, but doesn’t require a lot of attention? We highly recommend adding bougainvillea into your garden!
Although a tropical plant, you get the best blooms during the hot and dry season once established. Similar to poinsettias, the blooms you see are actually modified leaves (called a bract), the small white-yellow tubular part is the actual bloom!
Watch our ‘Bougainvillea Care’ here.
Create your own wildflower meadow! Shop our wildflower selection of both Texas native and non-native wildflowers like Tidy Tips, Texas Bluebonnets, Blue Eyes, Bird’s Eyes, Indian Paintbrush and more!
These wildflowers can be enjoyed within your flowerbed or transform your lawn or hell-strip into a wildflower patch that pollinators and wildlife will love! Many of these will reseed or you can collect some of the seed heads at the end of the season and save for the following year to plant or share with a friend!
Available in 4″ Containers