Spring Lawn Care
Zach shares tips on spring lawn care starting mid-February he shares weed maintenance and prevention tips.
Happy planting!
Sow Now for Spring
It’s Time to Start Your Seeds!
Now is the perfect time to get a head start and begin sowing seeds for the new year and spring season!
Whether you are wanting to create a veggie and herb garden this year, a cut-flower garden or pollinator oasis, we have got you covered! Shop our large selection of seeds from Botanical Interests, Southern Exposure, Native American Seed Company and more!
Upcoming Events
Easter Egg Hunt
Saturday, April 19th, 2025, 10a-3p
Join us for our annual Easter Egg Hunt! This event is for ages 10 and under, including a section for the little ones who are 3 and under! Also, come snap a picture with the Easter Bunny from 8:30am-10:30am!
Egg Hunt: from 8:30am-9am
Buy Your Favorite Houseplants Online
Our online store is for the out-of-town houseplant lover: Your indoor gardening success is our top priority!
Whether your house has tons of light or low light, we have a plant for you! Our online store offers top quality houseplants Philodendrons, Peperomia, succulents, cacti and more!
Checkout Our YouTube Channel!
Our videos can now be found on YouTube!
Be sure to subscribe so that you can learn more planting tips, advice and how-to’s! Videos include everything from houseplants and perennials to seasonal favorites!