Gardeners smile when flowers are blooming in their garden beds. But it is the nose that delights in the sweet fragrances of the garden. With virtually year round gardening available to us in Houston, don’t forget the importance of adding fragrance in your garden. Our sense of smell is our most primal sense and it […]
Avoid Getting Tangled: Choosing the Right Vines
Vines are often overlooked by new gardeners when designing a garden space. Incorporating well-placed vines into your landscape, can not only add visual interest, it creates vertical walls that help frame your space. Choosing the right vines for the right place will give your garden an added dimension of interest as well as preserve the […]
Fresh Air… Indoors!
Want to improve the quality of air in your home/office? Add some indoor plants. We’ve always known that living plants play an essential role in adding oxygen and removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. But what about the air inside? Air quality indoors can be far worse than outdoors, especially in our climate. We tend […]
Creating a Butterfly Habitat Garden in Houston
In Harris County, butterflies (Scientific Order: Lepidoptera) can be seen almost year round. About a hundred different species of butterflies regularly occur in Houston and surrounding Southeast Texas neighborhoods. From swallowtails to monarchs, these butterflies dance about our gardens in a visual symphony that is joyful to watch. The life cycle of a butterfly occurs […]
Monarch Butterflies at Buchanan’s
Monarchs know where to find the goods – at Buchanan’s. With truckloads of Tropical Milkweed (Asclepias currasavica) (also known as Mexican Milkweed) arriving at Buchanan’s, these butterflies have been seen laying eggs on the plants out for sale in the nursery. If you don’t have a milkweed plant in your garden, please consider adding one. […]