Now is the time to fertilize your vegetable garden and container plantings. If you haven’t fed your lawn, now is a good time to do so as well. Here at Buchanan’s, we prefer organic fertilizers that not only feed your plants, but also feed the soil. You might wonder why we feel it’s important to use organic fertilizers rather than synthetic ones.
Soil bio-activity and health is key to your plant’s health. Chemical fertilizers contain mineral salts that can be quickly absorbed by your plants. But, these salts do nothing for the beneficial microbes or earthworms in your soil and can even repel them. Over time, you’ll lose soil life and organic matter leaving you with soil that becomes less and less able to support plant life. In contrast, organic fertilizers may be taken up more slowly by plants, but they provide food for both the plant and the beneficial microbes. Over time, the use of organic fertilizers will help you build soil health rather than destroy it.
One of our favorite organic fertilizers is MicroLife. This is a granular, long-lasting biological fertilizer that stimulates both plant and soil health. It also has supplemental Iron, trace minerals, enzymes and billions of beneficial microorganisms and mycorrhizal fungi.
We care several different fertilizers in the MicroLife line, including the versatile 6-2-4 blend. MicroLife 6-4-2 is a multipurpose fertilizer that can be used on your entire landscape and containers. Regular use will help build vigorous healthy growth in your lawn and reduce thatch. It will also improve root development of all your plantings.
Buchanan’s carries 7lb canisters as well as 40lb bags of MicroLife. Be sure to pick some up the next time you’re at the garden center. Your plants and soil will thank you!
Wondering how much to apply to your garden? Here are the recommended application rates:
Turfgrass: 15-20 lb./1,000 sq. ft.
Beds: 20-40 Lb/1,000 sq. ft.
Containers: 2.5 oz. per 5 gal.